Thursday, December 27, 2007

SWAP Workshop Recap

芝加哥郊區中文教師協會, 在二零零七年十二月一日, 于Winnetka 之New Trier 高中, 舉辦中文教師聯誼會. 二十多位來自芝加哥與Milwaukee 郊區的中文老師互相交換教學經驗與心得分享. DePaul 大學的劉博士也借此機會提供一些有助於增強中文教學的規劃, 同時也預告二零零八年暑期即將開STARTALK 課程的訊息. 大家齊聚一堂, 相談 甚歡. 同時也確定了中文教學在美國主流學校的指標.

On December 1, 2007, Chinese Language Programs of Suburban Chicago hosted a swap workshop at New Trier High School in Winnetka, IL. Around two-dozen suburban Chicago and Milwaukee Chinese Language teachers attended the meeting and shared their effective lessons with demonstrations and discussions. Dr. Lau from DePaul University shared with fellow teachers her insights on promoting and maintaining a strong Chinese program. The 2008 summer STARTALK program information was also presented to the group. The meeting commenced with fruitful collaboration amongst educators and a sense of gratification and affirmation of everyone's great effort in promoting the Chinese language in US mainstream schools.